The use of operating microscope

The operative microscope, already present in dentistry for more than a decade and used mainly in endodontics, is becoming an important instrument also in the other fields of dentistry.

In periodontology and mucogingival surgery, with the development of minimally invasive techniques, the possibility to have a lightning coaxial to the operator eyes and a wide magnification range permits to pay more attention to details that can be missed even by an experienced clinician.

In particular for my case, the intrasurgical use of the microscope permitted me to manage the extremely thin tissues of the patient with a minimally invasive approach and to avoid sectioning and elevation of the flap at the papillae level, maintaining the highest vascular support to the flap. More, it gave me the possibility to prepare an adequate receiving bed for the connective tissue graft harvested from the palate and, final aim of my surgery, to augment the thickness of the tissues.

Dr. Giacomo Gualini, student of the High Education in Periodontology.