The experience of Dr. Ivan Dezulovic

In the last few months dr. Ivan Dezulovic, who completed a Postgraduate Program in Periodontics at the University of Zagreb, has been guest at our Department. We interviewed him at the end of his journey to tell his experience.

What kind of program did you join at the Periodontology Department of Turin Dental School?

I chose to undertake a Post-graduate internship for 2 months with the Erasmus program.

Why did you choose Turin University?

I have always felt a lot of positive opinions about your Department, and I have chosen to come to you to follow your Program closely and enrich my knowledge by sharing clinical experiences.

How did you find yourself in our Department?

The Program is very well organized. Students are very busy, they have to study for theoretical discussions, manage patients and prepare case presentations. They are always helped and monitored by tutors. The lessons, held by professors of national and international fame, are all very interesting. I found a very positive atmosphere, we all discussed many cases together and shared many clinical experiences, I had the opportunity to personally assist surgical sessions every day. The students and the tutors were kind to me and they always helped me to manage difficulties, and they also introduced me to the research projects conducted by the members of the Department.

What are your future prospectives?

Once back in Croatia I will apply in my daily practice what I have learned in these months in Turin.

Do you have any advice to give to colleagues who wish to undertake this Post-graduate course in the future?

Who will be ready to study and work hard, will become a highly competent clinician. And in the end it will be worth it!