The ninth edition of Europerio, the most important International Congress of Periodontology, took place from June 20th to 23rd in Amsterdam, where Prof. Aimetti with the students of the Post-graduate Program in Periodontology represented for the first time an accredited Italian EFP Program. Tutors and students also participated in Periotalk, the first edition event exclusively reserved for them and where former and current EFP schools students from all over Europe brought their experience on the stage within the EFP alumni world.
Europerio represented a unique opportunity for our students, who have followed reports held by some of the world’s leading Parodontologists, who presented a preview of the new classification of periodontal diseases, published following a World Workshop held in 2017 between AAP and EFP. At the end of the daily sessions, there was always the opportunity to live together pleasant convivial moments!