
European Congress of Periodontology (15-18th of June 22)

SIdP Meeting

23 May 2022 | No Comments
Latest news from the School of Periodontology of the University of Turin at the Sidp Meeting - Bologna (20-21 May 2022)
After a successful exam, four ex students of the Postgraduate Program in Periodontology became EFP certified members.
In this article I will introduce you our new Periodontology students ed. 2022
Anatomical Dissection Course for the students of the Master in Periodontology
XX International SIdP Congress "New guidelines in Periodontology: Impact in the treatment of stage III periodontitis patients" (23-25 September 2021, Congress Palace, Rimini)
From 2nd to 3rd and from 8th to 10th October, was held the SIdP - 21st National Congress "PERIO 2020: Finding the right path between novelties and consolidated therapies"; the School of Periodontology of the Turin's University participated not only as public but also with speeches by Prof. Aimetti, Dr. Mariani, Dr. Baima and Dr. Bebars.
After a successful exam, three ex students of the Postgraduate Program in Periodontology became EFP certified members.
On 15th February was held the congress that celebrate the 10 years of the Dental School, at the Turin Automobile Museum.
The opening ceremony of the 1st edition of the Master in Dental Hygenist expert in the treatment of periodontal disease took place on 31st January, under the direction of the Prof. Aimetti
We celebrated the end of the Postgraduate Program of our students.
The University of Turin Periodontology won the Robinson award from the American Academy of Periodontology

SIdP meeting

25 October 2019 | No Comments
Postgraduate students and tutors attended the latest SIdP meeting

Symposium EFP

1 October 2019 | No Comments
The students of the Postgraduate Program in Periodontology and Prof Aimetti participated for the first time at the Symposium EFP.
Four former students of Postgraduate Program in Periodontology bacame EFP certified members.
Prof. Aimetti had a lecture during 13th International Symposium of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry.
Prof. Aimetti, students and tutors spent 2 days together for the clinical case discussion.
Prof. Aimetti had a presentation during the congress of the Spanish Society of Periodontology
Dr. Filippo Citterio became a SIdP active member and won the Goldman prize.
This year our guest was Prof. Van der Velden
This month began the new academic year for the Postgraduate Program in Periodontology.
Professor Nurcan Buduneli gave a lesson to postgraduate students.
Three alumni took the exam to become members of the European Federation of Periodontology

Europerio 9

11 July 2018 | No Comments
Students and tutors were in Amsterdam for the event that every 3 years assembles Periodontologists from around the world.
A Croatian colleague has been our guest for a few months and tells his experience.
Prof. Aimetti, students and tutors spent 2 days together in the Langhe
Two alumni became in March Active Members of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology.
The Cagidiaco Prize and the Research Forum Prize 2018 were won by one of our hygienist and one of our alumni.
Our students and teachers participated in the Research Classroom organized by SEPA on February 16th and 17th
This month began the new academic year for the Advanced Full-Time Program in Periodontology.
A new information channel has been opened to sensitize patients to the treatment of periodontal diseases.
We celebrated the end of the Post-graduate Program of our students.
Students and tutors went to Naples for continuing education meeting of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology
The Advanced Program in Periodontology of Turin University has been accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology.
The Congress organized by Senior Italia FederAnziani took place on 5 July in Rome
Dr. Filippo Citterio, student of the Advanced Education in Periodontology, talk about his surgical experience.
Prof. Aimetti held for the 2nd year students a periodontal regenerative surgery lesson with live surgery.
Second year students face the relationship between Conservative and Periodontics with Dr. Manfrini and colleagues
Wednesday May 3 Periodontology was the topic on Uno Mattina

PhD thesis 2017

10 April 2017 | No Comments
Dr. Francesco Ferrarotti and Dr. Valeria Manavella discussed their PhD thesis in Technologies applied to the surgical sciences: “Periodontal Regeneration through the use of mesenchymal stem cells” and “Sockets alveolar ridge augmentation in postextractive compromised in patients with severe periodontal disease “. The educational training of 3 years has involved all […]
Marta Giraudi and Fratini Adriano have been admitted as Active Members at the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology.
The Poland Society of Periodontology has invited prof. Aimetti to the International periodontal-prosthetic conference in Poland.
The Research Forum Prize and the Vogel Prize 2017 have been won by two of our alumni.
During the 18th International Congress of Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology we will present some clinical cases and research projects.
Our students have practiced step by step the Osseous Resective Surgery and in the Fibre Retention Osseous Resective Surgery (FibReORS) under the supervision of the tutors. Before the practical training there have been lectures for the students with instructional videos and photos to understand the operational sequences from engravings, osteoplasty and ostectomy […]

Literature discussion

23 February 2017 | No Comments
Every Thursday morning 1st and 2nd year students discuss with Prof. Aimetti and Dr. Romano the classic literature.
February 11, 2017 there was the annual meeting of the Master in Periodontology.
The Master in Periodontology group went to the Anatomy Department of Lausanne.
The enrollments for the selections of the Advanced Program in Periodontology are open now.
Last month there was the V° meeting of the Master in Periodontal Therapy.
The Chinese Stomatological Association invited Prof. Aimetti to the 21° National Congress in Beijing.
Prof. Aimetti will be a guest on RAI 1 TV.
The Cagidiaco prize was assigned to Dr. Laura Bianco.
Our students will be candidates for.
The 19th SIdP National Congress will be in Turin from 17 to 19 March.
Start the new Master 2016.
January 30, 2016 there was the annual meeting of the Master in Periodontology.

Master’s thesis

20 December 2015 | No Comments
The students of the Master discussed their thesis on December, 12.
Dr Fratini, student of the School, talk about a clinical case.

3D System

25 September 2015 | No Comments
The students can follow the live surgeries with 3D system.
During the meeting the students have improved their knowledge and skills.
Prof. Mario Aimetti was elected President of the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP).
Dr. Martina Audagna, student of the School, talk about her surgical experience.
Dr. Gualini talk about his experience with the operating microscope.

Europerio 8

10 June 2015 | No Comments
Presentation of researches by our student at Europerio 8.
The Calandriello prize was assigned to Dr. Mara Gamba.

Amici di Brugg

25 May 2015 | No Comments
The 58th Congress of “Amici di Brugg” was held in Rimini.
The leaders’ forum 2015 was organized by SIdP and AIOP on 8-9 May.
Prof. Ren Weihang came to visit our Department of Periodontology.
The surgical experience of Dr. Marta Giraudi in the Advanced Education in Periodontology.
Professor Aimetti was invited to hold a Course in Periodontology at the University of Izmir, in Turkey.
Prof. Aimetti, collaborators and students attended the 17th International Congress organized by SIdP in Rimini.
Laura Saksing, student of the Master in Periodontology, talks about her experience.
The second annual Course in Periodontology for dentists and the first Course for dental hygienists was organized by SIdP on 20th and 21th February.

Start the new master

29 January 2015 | No Comments
The lessons are started with students from Italy and foreign Countries.
The prize Marcello Cattabriga for the best thesis in Periodontology was assigned to our student Martina Audagna.
From 5 to 6, December will be organized in Rome a symposium to remember the Professor Marcello Cattabriga.
The text “Diagnosi e Terapia Parodontale” has been published in english.

XI EFP workshop

7 January 2015 | No Comments
The European Federation of Periodontology will hold the XI workshop in Spain.
Prof. van Winkelhoff from the University of Amsterdam will take part to the annual meeting of the School.

Open new section

1 January 2015 | No Comments
Today we open the NEWS section of our website.